Privacy Policy

Elizabeth J. Kurosz CPA Privacy Policy

Your financial and personal privacy is of the utmost importance to us. We are committed to

maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information, while still being able to provide

you with the professional service you are accustomed to. Below, we describe the manner in

which we deal with your personal information.  CPAs have been and continue to be bound by

professional standards of confidentiality that are even more stringent than those required by

law. Therefore, we have always protected your right to privacy and will continue to do so.

Types of Nonpublic Personal Information We Collect

We collect nonpublic personal information about you that is provided to us by you or

obtained by us with your authorization:

  • In writing via regular mail, email or over the Internet.

  • Verbally via the phone or personal conferences.

  • From third parties, with your authorization.

  • From transactions with our affiliates or us.

Parties to Whom We Disclose Information

For current and former clients, we do not disclose any nonpublic personal information

obtained in the course of our practice except as required or permitted by law.

Permitted disclosures include, for instance, providing information to our employees, and in

limited situations, to unrelated third parties who need to know that information to assist us

in providing services to you. In all such situations, we stress the confidential nature of

information being shared and that they are bound either by our professional standards of

confidentiality or nondisclosure agreements where applicable.

Protecting the Confidentiality and Security of Current and Former Clients’ Information

We retain records relating to professional services that we provide so that we are better able

to assist you with your professional needs and, in some cases, to comply with professional

guidelines. In order to guard your nonpublic personal information, we maintain physical,

electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with our professional standards.

Your privacy, our professional ethics, and the ability to provide you with quality financial

services are very important to us. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns

about the confidentiality of your information.

Remove My Information

You may request to remove your information from our Marketing System by clicking

Unsubscribe on any marketing emails you receive from us.  You may also request to be

removed by sending an email to 


Tax or professional advice contained in or accompanying this document, unless otherwise

specifically stated, is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose

of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or

recommending to another party any transaction or matter that is contained in or

accompanying this document. In addition, unless otherwise specifically stated, any advice

provided shall not be deemed a formal tax opinion upon which the addressee can rely.